What's in a name?

on Saturday, February 6, 2010

I think it's a common misconception that all people from Wisconsin love cheese; I can't tell you how often I get, "Oh! A Cheesehead!" when I tell people I'm from Wisconsin. Although I'm sure they're referring to the Packer/Cheesehead connection, the name had to have come from somewhere. For instance, when my Dad was growing up he was a Grateful Dead fan and he told us they were called, "Dead Heads." And when my sister and I were kids we were HUGE fans of The New Kids On The Block so my Dad thought it'd be funny to call us, "Block Heads." Of course, not so funny to an 8-year-old, but you get my point:
If Wisconsin=Dairy State, then
Dairy State=Cheese, and
Residents of Wisconsin=Cheese Heads.
Makes sense.

In my case it is completely true. I'm not afraid to say it,

I come from Wisconsin and I love cheese. I am a Cheese Head.

I'm so enamored with it that when I go to the grocery store I will come back with a plethora of different types. A little example of how strong my love affair is, my friend was changing her eating habits to that of a Vegan Diet and I exclaimed, "what about cheese?!" I was so shocked that someone could give up something that I couldn't live without. Imagine. I couldn't. I still can't, I'd die! Well, not actually but I'd be upset. There goes almost half of my dietary intake.

Cheese is a staple in my diet and I'll eat it pretty much everyday, with sharp cheddar being my favorite. And I love it with a lot of different foods, foods that most people wouldn't dream of using. Elvis has been known to love peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but have you ever tried peanut butter and cheese sandwiches? It's surprisingly good, and sometimes I'll ignore the sandwich part and just dip hunks of sharp (always sharp) cheddar into a jar of creamy peanut butter. Cheese pairings such as that one have been known to gross out the people around me, but I always offer up a sample, and on the rare time someone actually accepts they learn that it really isn't so bad. Really. That's no exaggeration, I have met other people who like peanut butter and cheese. I'm not the only one, believe it or not.

One pairing in particular that usually gets the biggest grossed out look is warm apple pie with cheddar. Forget about ala mode, serve mine with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese. Growing up my grandparents always served their homemade apple pie with a hunk of cheese on the side. You take a bite of pie, then a bite of cheese, a bite of pie, a bite of cheese... it's amazing. My grandma always used to say, "apple pie without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze." You know this is true if you've ever hugged someone and it was like hugging a lamp post; it's the same thing with apple pie sans cheese, somethings just missing.

Why am I rambling about cheese? (I could go on, but have decided to spare all my cheesy obsessions.)

I wanted to give a little back story to my website address, www.applepieandcheddar.com. It's not just a quirky website name, but rather a little part of my cheese infatuation. I was changing my email address one day and, with the help of my friends, we came up with applepieandcheddar. My friend always thought it was so weird that I loved that combination, so naturally why not make it my email address.

So there you have it, your previously unanswered questions about the history of www.applepieandcheddar.com. You may rest easy now, dreaming of peanut butter clouds and a cheesy moon, and I bet you'll go out and try a piece of apple pie with a slice of cheese. You will, and you'll probably love it.

"'Why did you yell, 'Cheese'?' And The Man would tell him mockingly, 'Because I felt like it, you stupid machine of poo." -Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut

P.S. I was eating cheese while I wrote this post.


Um. We clearly grew up together. I agree with everything in this post :)

Well, except for the peanut butter & sharp cheddar combo...but I'll try it tomorrow and report back.

My email address in college was: cheezprincess

by Sara on February 7, 2010 at 6:24 PM. #

I haven't read or thought about Vonnegut in years. I guess it's time to go to the library. Thanks for the reminder

by Unknown on February 11, 2010 at 9:49 PM. #

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