Tomorrow is National Record Store Day!
This day was developed in 2007 —took long enough to make such a day if you ask me— to celebrate independently-owned record stores. Stores across the country are getting together with local and big named musicians to basically rock out and celebrate music.
I'll definitely be visiting my favorite record stores tomorrow to celebrate the day, and hopefully come back with a handful of records and a jive in my step.
This makes me think about how much I loved the movie Empire Records and how I wanted to be Renee Zellweger's character, but not for the slutty disposition rather for the chance to sing with a rock band. She totally kicked butt at the end when she got up on stage and became a spunky, kick-ass, rock star. The movie didn't necessarily make me want to work in a record store when I grew up, but it did make me want to listen to rock music, fall in love with grunge rockstars, and mope around with my adolescent problems.
If you can't make it to any record stores tomorrow at least celebrate by renting this movie. In case you haven't seen it here's a little teaser, and if you have then you already know.
For information on the day and to find local record stores, go to their website.
I was bored one day so I decided to google "common acronyms used in texts", and I could not believe how many there were. I was just starting to get the hang of reading SMH (shaking my head) and now I have to look out for ACORN, A Completely Obsessive Really Nutty person. There's even a code for Starbucks (*$); it's crazy what's out there.
I've always found those acronyms to be ridiculous, lazy, and/or totally unrealistic. How many times do you witness something that makes you actually roll on the floor laughing (rofl)? And how long does it take to type sorry (soz), do we really need a short cut to apologize to someone?
When I was perusing the list I found a few that don't seem to make texting easier. IHTFP stands for both I Have Truly Found Paradise and I Hate This F-ing Place. Now that's just confusing, how am I to know if you like the place or not?
I was pretty cool in the fifth grade when I would form a "W" with my hands to oppose another person or raise my palm out to someone and tell them to "talk to the hand" when they said something I didn't agree with, but these acronyms are on a completely different level. If I were a teenager now —which I assume are the majority of text acronym users— I would need a little print out of the list next to my computer to remember all of them.
This made me think whether teenagers ever accidentally slip in, 2B or not 2B, when quoting Shakespeare in their English reports. I'm sure there were times when I shot my teacher a "W" because I was so used to doing it with my friends.
I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing but text acronyms bug me, or maybe it's because I don't understand them. Either way I won't be Lol-ing in a text message anytime soon.

This is what I've been telling myself almost everyday for the last month in a half, "Update your blog." But this wasn't said just simply in one concise sentence but rather placed on repeat until it got so loud I couldn't do anything else but, update my blog. So here I am; I've finally decided to listen to myself.
It feels good to finally shut my little voice up.
"Update your blog. Update your blog. Do it, Update your blog. Update! Blog!"
The End.
I promise this is only the beginning of a constant stream of updates.